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Writer's pictureAlex Noyanov

Peltier elements power controller

The Peltier element can generate heat on one side while the other one is getting colder when the voltage applied to the element. It can be used in the various devices for cooling or heating at the same time. When the polarity is changed to the element the process is going the opposite way.

To test Peltier elements in action the power controller is required. It can control two elements at the same time. The idea is to use it with Mk4 VR Haptic Gloves project (More about here:). Each glove will have Peltier module installed in the center to add the cense of temperature to the virtual objects which user holding in his hands. The objects can be cold or hot enough to be holding in human hands. The further modifications requires the temperature sensors install on each hand for monitoring the temperature of each side of Peltier elements in the future.

This controller is based on L298 motor shield as power controller. It can change polarity of each element to test the amount of heat and cold producing by the module. All controller assembled on the breadboard with power shield connector and power switch on one side of the board and Arduino Nano on the other side. To control the mode and power of each module the Arduino is connecting to the computer via USB and getting the commands from Serial monitor. The amount of power each module is getting can be changed by setting delays between turning on and off the power. The L298 can also reverse the polarity of each module to reverse the process of getting cold and heat on each side.

Peltier elements power controller can be adjust connected to the computer to get the commands from controllers software. When the controller is set it saving the last settings and use them. It is possible to read the last settings of the controller before rewriting it with the newer one.

The work on this technologies will be in progress to create the universal Peltier controlling system. It can be used in Metaverse exploration and VR Haptic gloves as well as many other everyday life applications.

© Created by Alex Noyanov, April 2022, All right reserved

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